Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December Stuff

 I shared one of my favorite things I did with my class this year on Sribd.  You can follow me and download the activity by following the link below:


***Update:  I learned how to post them!  Hooray!
Wanted Ad Rubric
Wanted Ad Outline
elf job app
Christmas Elf
Application Rubric

We made wanted signs for Elf Jobs (The students believed that Santa's elves were overworked and really needed help.  Santa had asked US to write the job postings for him, and would be coming to look at them!  This was very motivating.)  First, each student pulled a piece of paper with a job written on it from a brown bag  (jobs- reindeer feeder, reindeer checker, reindeer groomer, list maker, toy maker, bell keeper, gift loader).  The students separated into small groups to brainstorm what their elf would have to do for this job.  (I gave them a web with room for 4 ideas.)  Then, the students worked on their own to turn the 4 ideas into 4 sentences, on the outline.  Students wrote a final draft of their outline onto a "Help Wanted" ad poster and colored an elf to go on top.   I will post pictures of the finished work as soon as I can.

The next week, we read everyone's wanted ads and matched ourselves to a job.  Students wrote a simple paragraph, "applying" for an elf job.  Our applications went something like this:   I would be good at the job of _______________ because I am ____________________.  (list one quality -  honest, careful, hard-working, etc.)   I can _______________________.  (ex-  do gymnastics, wrap well, write well, etc.)  I would love to____________________________.     

This turned out very cute!  I printed off a headshot of each student, and they glued elf body parts to the headshots.  This turned the students into elves who could apply for the job!  I posted the wanted ads in the hall along with the student applications.  I loved this project, and would definitely do it again!  I hope you can get some use out of it next year!

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